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24 janvier 2005

Retour difficile

A bloody overworking and overtiring week at hospital ! I need to have a rest soon. Otherwise, I am pretty sure to explode ! I was working during the night at the psychiatric unit on monday and tuesday. And a schizophrenic patient, who was in a paranoïac...
17 janvier 2005

Bilingue ?

Bilingue ?
Description de la semaine dernière : Après un formidable week-end chez A, une semaine de folie a commencé. After a wonderful week-end in the Alpes, I had a crazy week ! LUNDI garde de 24 H aux Urgences ; (24-H duty at ER) MARDI nuit aux Urgences Psychiatriques,...
5 janvier 2005

Gott Nytt År !

Gott Nytt År ! Ouf ! I am exhausted. Getting back in the french way of working and studying is hard. I worked during four nights at the psychiatric unit and then a 24H duty at ER and I am over-tired. I think I have slept only 2 hours since sunday and...
De retour de Suède !
De retour de Suède !